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Here’s How To Keep Your Home Chic On The Cheap

Whether “staging to stay” or “staging to sell,” this is how to set the scene without breaking the bank!

Trade in that pricey paint!

Be inspired by chi chi ‘heritage’ paint brands, but save along the way: nip in store with your ‘pricey’ colour swatch, and have something similar brewed in one of those shaky shaky paint machines. Spot the difference? Hmm: you’d be hard pushed. Yup, sometimes it’s all about clever marketing with viscosity and coverage similar between posh brands and lower price point.

Swap it out

Hello, Scrooge! Here’s an easy way to change the feel of what you’ve already got without spending a penny: juggle orientation. Move furniture around, or switch up pieces from one room to another. Shops do it all the time to make you think stock is updated, and call it “rotation” or “merchandising.” If selling your home, a good realtor, often in association with a competent stager, will advise what’s best.

All hail the power of the accessory

New cushions, rugs and throws, chosen with an eye on budget, will transform your existing sofa, while a change of linen will instantly alter your bedroom mood. And, while you’re at it, new towels — and perhaps a jaunty new shower curtain — will quickly and affordably transform your bathroom. The colour in this jauntily toned bedroom comes entirely from accessories.

Free your home and the rest will follow

Lose the clutter and free up valuable space. Do a charity shop run and help others as you help yourself. You’d be amazed what a little clear thinking can do to update proceedings. Whether “staging to stay” or staging to sell, less is more, huh?

Scents and sensibility

Try scented candles and aromatic oils to keep things fresh and inviting. Our latest retro obsession? Incense sticks. Even the dollar stores sell ’em, so head on in and freshen up. Twenty in a box, one per evening, five cents a go. Aye, these canny Scots can deal with that.

Mix old and new

“Reversion” things you already own to bring new life. Pop new pictures in old frames — and old pics in new frames — remembering that card mount will transform basic artwork into gallery-worthy display.

That old chest of drawers could look cool with an alternative colour scheme and new knobs, and those jaded dining chairs could come alive with budget fabric and a staple gun. It’s notrocket science!

Here, we reimagined a junk sideboard with a lick of paint, lucite legs and textured wallpaper front panels.

Shop around

Shop smart. Even supermarkets, these days, carry on trend stock. Loblaws, for example, via their President’s Choice inventory. There are great vintage inspired pillows, throws and funky melamine dishes that, with auspicious positioning, would quickly transition a plain condo from stark to modern rustic cottage. Alternatively, online stores, such as Ebay and Letgo, and even garage sales, are great hunting ground for budget friendly artwork and accessories.

Swap Shop

Think about trading items with friends. Second hand, after all, shouldn’tmean second best and “previously enjoyed,” as we see it certainly, is one of the best forms of recycling: good for the planet andfor the pocket.

Ask for deals

We’ll happily admit to avoiding full price wherever possible and living by the maxim: “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” Learn, also, to train the eye; build an appreciation of high-end design pieces and keep them in mind while hunting at discount stores, big box outlets, flea markets or thrift shops.

Buy seasonally

Target discount periods and shop accordingly. Victoria Day, or mid-summer sales, are a great starting point to bag those all-important bargains.

Spend high and low

Mix expensive indulgences with budget items to create the illusion that everything is similarly high end. Layer affordable chain store cushions atop that trusty Elte sofa. Or bolster a basic buy duvet with sexy Mongolian lambs’ wool throws.

God, as we’ve said before, lies in the details. A second hand $85 basket chair bought online is a stylish addition to this cottage interior.

Get the look

Employ replicas such as laminate “wood” flooring instead of solid timber, or ceramic tiling instead of marble or granite. You’ll save cash without sacrificing aesthetics.


By Colin & Justin, TV Hosts, Home Decorating Professionals

Read full and original article from Huffington Post here


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